Thank you for visiting my website. I am honored to represent the citizens of Maryland’s Legislative District 35A, Cecil and Harford Counties, in the Maryland House of Delegates.

As a member of the Maryland General Assembly, I am devoted to making Maryland a business-friendly state to ensure a better future for you and your family by championing conservative values, like lowering taxes, controlling spending, less regulations, and protecting life and liberties.

I am currently assigned to the Health and Government Operations Committee. HGO, as it is commonly known, deals with myriad subjects: health facilities, long-term care, public health (including Medicaid), health insurance, health occupations and professions, state government operations, procurement and human relations.

I was elected to serve the Harford County Delegation in the capacity of Chair and am very excited to be a full-participating member of the Cecil County Delegation and the Eastern Shore Delegation.

When the legislative sessions are over, I look forward to working with my constituents back home to ensure their issues are being addressed. Please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for allowing me to be your voice.

Best wishes and God bless,

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